Mainline: Alien guardians of the crazy stalwart

The 250,000th Year of the Alliance Calendar Pira Galaxy

A massive asteroid crashed in Pira. The Alien Guardian Base quickly sealed off the island and claimed that the asteroid belonged to The Government of Alien Guardian. The Human Base immediately dispatched an elite team of battleships to observe the situation. Just as the relationship between Alien Guardian Base and The Human Base was becoming increasingly tense, a mysterious asteroid suddenly exploded, flying out of a giant Loth-Wolf battleship with a height of 2km. The battleship created a massive circular force field that froze much of the island and drastically altered Pira's climate. Loth-Wolf begins to invade Pira.

Then, erstwhile enemies became allies, and the two bases joined forces to defend against Loth-Wolf's onslaught and save Pira's fate.

Alan was a member of Alien Guardian Fleet 1, and when Loth-Wolf battleships came, he and his combat team were sent to the core island on a mission. But unfortunately their strength was insufficient, and Alan's team was almost wiped out. Only Alan survived.

When Alan once again entered Loth-Wolf's lair to avenge his team members, he accidentally discovered the location where Loth-Wolf arranged the recovery, which is almost the location of the core of all current bases. Alan then fell into a coma, exited the underground water channel there, and woke up again to find himself on a shore in Brightwitch.

After Alan woke up, he went to the real planner of the operation, Felix, the director of the Alien Guardian Base Battlehip Research Institute, to settle the account, but Felix said that the situation exceeded his expectations. As an apology, he gave Alan the only 42nd generation interceptor. After that, Alan left Brightwitch and went to the Loth-Wolf base on Sheena Island where he used to explore.

Soon, Alan came to the conclusion that the current Alien Guardian and humans were hardly able to compete with the fully revived Loth-Wolf. Fortunately, Loth-Wolf slept for so long and was not used to Pira's current environment. It would take time for them to fully recover. He then returned to Brightwitch, only to find Brightwitch's Loth-Wolf had awakened. He stayed to help fight off Loth-Wolf, and in the process became acquainted with researchers at the Extraterrestrial Institute, who were conducting research on Loth-Wolf together.

Afterwards, Alan found that Felix didn't want the situation to escalate, and he sent a fleet to take control of Brightwitch. In this case, Alan used the relationship in the army to get a submarine, ready to evacuate with his colleagues in the scientific research department. However, the submarine was hit by Loth-Wolf. At this critical moment, Bill led the human fleet to arrive in time to engage with Loth-Wolf's fleet. Then, Bill's fleet came to pick up Alan and the evacuated Alien Guardian and take them to the shelter in Starryhill.

In Starryhill, Mandel, who was far away from the war, could have enjoyed this rare peace every day, but everything changed after Bill came back. Alan came here, with serious injuries all over his body and the enemy trailing here. After a simple surgery, Alan and Mandel covered Bill together and successfully brought the Alien Guardian researchers to a safer location, freeing them from danger of death. They resumed operations against the Loth-Wolf invasion, even with only a few ships.

In terms of the battlefield, the military situation of the coalition forces on the front line became more and more difficult, and the commander-in-chief had to consider making peace with Loth-Wolf. Although the voices around him who advocated continuing the struggle never stopped, he insisted on ending this unwinnable war in a peaceful way.

Just en route to the talks, the space battleship which the commander-in-chief was riding on was hijacked by unknown forces. The space battleship made an emergency landing, and the fleet members who came to assist the commander in evacuation were unexpectedly young combat elites headed by Alan. He forced the commander-in-chief to hand over control of the X-Energy bomb, but was refused.

The disappearance of the commander-in-chief of the base coalition led to the failure of this peace talks, and the coalition forces decisively dispatched the space battleship fleet to rescue the deputy commander-in-chief of the coalition forces who went to participate in the peace talks. The other team of arresters also got useful information from Webb, a warship dealer who provided biological weapons for the attack in Bellmoor. Winston, the middleman in this chemical weapons transaction, is now hiding in Merriley.

At this time Alan was busy with a batch of special shipments destined for Southern Hemisphere bases. The fully recovered Alien Guardian researcher and Mandel drove the battleship to Goldacre, hoping to meet Alan who came to supervise the work. It's a pity that things didn't go as smoothly as they thought. Although they rushed to the delivery location, it was still a step too late, and Alan was not at Goldacre.

The cargo entered Snowmount from Easthaven one step ahead. No one knew what was inside. At the same time, Loth-Wolf first started the operation on the cargo that entered the base, but at the end, the cargo suddenly exploded, followed by a sky full of Rexie gas.

It turned out that after Alan found himself at a disadvantage in this war, he used a small interceptor ship to launch biochemical weapons. Attacked by Rexie gas, countless non-combat Loth-Wolfs died. Immediately, the Loth-Wolf launched a full-scale attack, and the war of the invasion spread to all parts of Pira.

After a full chase, Winston was successfully arrested and explained everything, including the time and place of the meeting with Alan, etc. The capture team sent a large number of space battleships to ambush at Deeracre, the meeting point in Winston's mouth, and successfully infiltrated the planned assassination site with the help of the local resistance led by Raymond.

The next day, the action begins, and Alan arrives on schedule.

No one would have thought that all the action was just a trap set by the capture team. Alien Guardian researcher and Mandel jumped out of the battleship full of bombs in desperation. Mandel was not seriously injured due to the battleship's landing bracket, but Alien Guardian researcher was not so lucky: the old wound cracked, and after some rescue After being invalid, he passed away forever, only the energy gun Alan gave him was alone with him.

The death of Alien Guardian researcher almost drove Alan crazy, and Alan even nearly shot Mandel after learning that Mandel had known the leader of the arrester squad. He contacted Venus, the former commander.

In return for saving his life 20 years ago, Venus provides Alan with all the equipment needed for the location and operation of the Captor Squad's military base, so that Alan can get his revenge. After Alan led the team carefully into the base and placed X-energy bombs at various important locations, they found that the captor members were not in the base, but unexpectedly got the important news that the daughter of the commander-in-chief of the base coalition is now in Conlon, then they successfully storm out and blow up the base.

So Alan decided to capture the commander-in-chief's beloved daughter and threatened the commander-in-chief to hand over the X-energy bomb. For the first time, Pira is under the threat of X-Energy.

The Allied Forces decisively dispatched troops to rescue, and learned the exact location of the hostages through triangulation. Unfortunately, it was a step behind. The daughter of the commander-in-chief had already been taken away by Alan and flew to the VA Energy Development Base No. 14 in the southern hemisphere of Pira. After returning from the front line, the arrester team also joined in the rescue of the commander-in-chief and his daughter.

The commander-in-chief and his daughter were rescued after the fleet desperately raided the mine where the hostages were hidden. After the commander-in-chief of the base coalition was rescued, peace talks with Loth-Wolf came as promised, and the base coalition agreed to a series of compensation terms from Loth-Wolf. In contrast, the coalition army was dissolved and the war ended. The bases began to do their best to pick up the wreckage left by the war.

While watching the news of the end of the war on TV, the captain of the arrester team sorted out the information of all operations. For him, nothing was important. Alan is about to have his well-deserved day, and the whole Pira has no place for him.

"Who are you?" Alan seemed a little nervous at the sudden call.

"Prisoner 3571, Alan, I'm here for you."

Alan continued to organize the information, "Didn't you hear them? The war is over!"

"My war ends with you."

"It seems that the captain of Alien Guardian researcher also said the same? The beloved captain, how long was he tortured by you before he died? Hutt will be slowly destroyed, and it is only a matter of time before the arrival of the Alliance!" Alan was still stubborn.

The captain of the arrester team raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer, and said firmly, "You won't be kept waiting too long."

Through the Union Army's satellite positioning system, the captor squad leader has the information he most wants to know: Alan's last hiding place, the 7-day resort hotel in Fallhedge.

On January 21st, the captor team, wearing Loth-Wolf's latest combat uniforms, broke into the hotel and began the final operation to hunt down Alan. Meanwhile, hackers behind the scenes compromised the hotel's systems, shutting down its elevators and underground car park doors. Now Alan is like a goldfish in a fish tank, at the mercy of others.

The arrester team killed all the way to the restaurant on the top floor, and was about to catch up with Alan, but was attacked by the enemy's interceptor at a critical moment. The pillars of the dining room were blown off, the floor collapsed, and the two of them were about to fall to their deaths.

The captor squad leader grabbed the rebar on the wall to be able to climb up, but his companion Alien Guardian was not so lucky, his stomach was pierced and his life was at stake.

"Leave me alone, Captain!" the player shouted.

"Alan! Alan is going to escape in a helicopter!" The person in charge sounded a warning in the headset.

Running all the way, the captain of the arrester team finally arrived on the roof in time and jumped on the interceptor that was about to take off. After some fighting, the captain threw the two pilots off the space battleship one by one, and crashed back to the roof of the hotel with Alan.

When Alan gradually woke up from the coma, he saw the captain of the captor team walked out of the wreckage of the interceptor with difficulty and walked towards him.

"Goodbye, Captain Alan! Take your alliance with you." The Captain of the Capturer Squad grabbed Alan's energy gun, injected the energy core into the launch chamber, and aimed it at Alan, who was now weak. The bloodshot at the corner of his mouth revealed his sinister smile.

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